My love for photography started when I was very young. I can remember running around the yard with a disposable camera photographing flowers and everyday objects. I was so proud of myself... and then I got yelled at when the photos were developed and my mom saw what I wasted those exposures on. It's memories like those that we can laugh about now.

When I was getting ready to graduate from high school I couldn't decide what profession I wanted to pursue. I decided to follow my passion and pursue my love for photography.

I have grown up in a hardworking, loving, Christian family. They pushed me to be the best I could be and to chase after my dreams, no matter what anyone said. It's because of their love and support that I had the courage to pursue a career in photography.

I wanted to find a job that I could love for the rest of my life and that's what photography is to me. To be able to lose track of time because you are so involved in your work is priceless.

I was always a visual learner and I struggled with recalling dates and historical events. That's why my goal as a photographer is to document history and preserve memories through my photos.

"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." ~1 Peter 4:10